Smart, personal, realtime urban heat warning system.
Project during Studies
Year: 2024
Duration: 4 Weeks
Team: Ege Seçgin, Stepan Vedunov, Elia Salerno
Role: Conception, Research, User Testing, Prompt Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Web- and Embedded Development
Health Design
Service Design
Interaction Design
Embedded Systems

Wera project video
Our defined focus
How might we create an accessible, location-based climate risk communication system that provides real-time climate warnings with natural language, informing seniors in cities like Zürich preventively of immediate risks such as high urban temperatures or icy pathways?

High density urban climate sensor network (Meteoblue API)

Heat map of Zurich (Meteoblue API)
As there is a high density urban climate sensor network in Zürich, we contacted the initiators of the project at ZHAW and found that Meteoblue is currently maintaining it, but there is currently not much utilization of it.

Project idea scoping

Wera prototype

Wera prototype internals

Wera interfacing devices
As the Wera service is device agnostic, we thought of different interfacing methods, of which we built working prototypes for both the Kub and the Fong.

Sketches for the industrial design of the Kub based on radio formfactor inspiration

CAD model of the Kub

Industrial design of the Kub

Final Prototype